November 11, 2016

Meet Rachel. She is beauty revived.

FILED IN: Family

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
 Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Proverbs 31:8-9


Some of us are called to be missionaries in foreign lands, speaking for those who cannot and advocating for the widows. And some of us are doing it right here on our own streets, in our own schools. When I met Rachel I had a vague idea of what a day in the life of a speech therapist working at a Title I elementary school looked like. I knew she probably worked with a diverse group of children and probably did exercises with them to help improve their pronunciation abilities. She probably worked with some kids with special needs and probably had some wonderful stories to tell about watching them progress and learn to speak. That was kind of as deep as I thought we’d go.
When I walked into the coffee shop that morning to meet Rachel and hear about her teaching journey, I had no idea the way God was using her and how truly inspiring she would be. Her relationship with her students is so much deeper than what I would have thought. The role she plays in their lives is an impactful one and I have no doubt that when these children grow up, they will remember her and the light she exuded.


“Working in a Title I school means we see some kids from very low income families and broken homes. Sometimes they have adults come in and out of their lives and they’re conditioned to not trusting grown-ups for that reason. My job gives me the opportunity to be an anchor for those kids. A reliable and safe place to go when things at home might be just the opposite.”


God has given Rachel an incredible opportunity to impact young lives every day, and she’s taking full advantage of that gift! When I asked her what her most rewarding moment has been in her teaching journey, she started to tell me about a note she once received from a parent of one of her students.


“You made it possible to hear the sweet sound of my son’s voice. To hear him say ‘Momma!’ or ‘Daddy!’, something that at one point I never thought I would hear.”


She still keeps the note, along with others she’s received along the way, and takes them out to read on days when she’s left exhausted and her passion needs rekindling. Her gift of speaking life into the children she teaches does not go unnoticed by others.


Abigail, her colleague and friend who nominated her for this campaign has seen the light Rachel radiates and had these words for her:


You are strong & capable. You are talented, yet humble. You are quiet while also standing up for those who cannot advocate for themselves. You pour yourself out every day to your students, assisting them in their language and helping them speak & communicate more effectively. You sacrifice your time after school has ended & you give up your weekends to create the perfect lesson plans to engage and meet all of your students’ needs. The best part for students who have you as their Speech Language Pathologist is they are experiencing Jesus’ love & joy through you without even knowing it. Your kindness & your sweet heart are patient with them. You do not give up on them or lose hope in their potential. You see them through the lens that everything is redeemable and worth fighting for. Every human being needs a Rachel in their life, someone who comes alongside of them and encourages them the whole way. You are a light to so many people, especially your students. 

I’m thankful to have seen you in action and learned from you what it means to love on students and see them as human beings first. The education system sees children as test scores while you see them as souls who deserve to be nurtured and cared for. Thank you for having an eternal perspective. The vocation God has called you into is extremely purposeful and you are faithful in giving your best to serve His people. 

I’m proud to call you friend. Thank you for being an incredible reminder of what it means to teach children and to work for a purpose greater than ourselves. You are a blessing, Rachel.






Bluebird Photography BioAshley is a lifestyle and portrait photographer at Bluebird Photography in Fort Wayne, IN where she has been delighting clients by capturing their genuine, authentic moments and preserving them as treasured art for years to come. She has a background in engineering and business and is mommy to two sweet (but crazy) toddlers. Photographing children and families is her passion as well as delivering a personalized and full service portrait experience.

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