January 11, 2017

Favorites of 2016

FILED IN: Children

Fort Wayne Photographer | Favorites of 2016
I’ve heard a lot of people saying that 2016 was not a good year. While it had it’s ups and downs for our household, it was overall a great year for us. We moved our family from central Illinois to northwest Indiana, began new jobs, bought a new home, joined an awesome new church, and started settling in to our new city. It was certainly a busy year and the same can be said for Bluebird! I’ve loved the new clients I’ve met and the connections I’ve made in my business this past year. I’m so thankful for the growth and development I’ve seen in my business this year also. I thought I’d share my absolute favorite personal photographs from 2016. I hope you enjoy them, and Happy 2017! May it be a blessed year for you!


My babe at 15 months. Just before we moved from our old house in Illinois. So bittersweet!

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These were taken in the garage of our tiny apartment! Crazy to think we lived there for the first 4.5 months of 2016.


This was a tiny patch of grass behind our apartment. We got home from church on Easter Sunday and took the girls outside for a quick shoot in their dresses!


A favorite of my sweet girl. I have this image on a photoblock hanging in my home!

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I can’t wait for the trees to bloom in Swinney Park this spring! <3

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I had to rearrange the entire living room in our apartment to get my backdrop and light set up, but it was worth it for these shots.


Our first month in our new home. The girls loved going out to the yard for a special ice cream shoot. These will decorate the walls of their bedroom soon!


This was a spur of the moment capture, and literally moments before I snapped it I had almost stepped on a snake in bare feet!!


Visiting the county fair in July.

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Our beach vacation in August <3.


My sweet baby’s 2 year photo shoot in an apple orchard.


Halloween. They loved their costumes!


Whispering secrets to each other in the back yard.


Some quick snaps of my girl on her birthday just before a thunderstorm rolled in.


My snow baby keeping warm in her fur coat.


Christmas for a 3 year old is truly magical.


Decorating gingerbread houses (and eating lots of candy as well).

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